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60 Day Money-Back Guarantee

Continental Academy will refund your money in full if you are not completely satisfied with your academic program within the first 60 days of enrollment.

Continental Academy has designed a 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee to provide the student ample time to review our online program and make sure that the student is completely satisfied.

If for any reason, you wish to cancel your enrollment agreement within 60 days after the date of enrollment, you will receive a full refund providing you have not yet received your Continental Academy high school proficiency diploma. If you cancel after 60 days of enrollment, a refund will not be awarded.


Why You Should Choose
Continental Academy


Since 1996, Continental Academy has been providing home study high school courses


60 Day Money Back Guarantee. Details on Application


Continental Academy is extremely affordable Easy payment plans as low as $40 per month.


Study at home at your own pace. No classes to attend!

Enroll Online Now!

Tuition with Online Discount (Online Enrollment Only)

Full Payment Plan: $250.00 - You Save $100.00
Monthly Payment Plan: $350.00 ($40 down/$40 a month.)

  • Full Payment Plan: $350.00 - You Save $45.00
    Monthly Payment Plan: $450.00 ($40 down / $40 a month)
  • Credit Card or Debit Card required for initial tuition payment.
  • A $45 graduation fee, that includes your diploma, diploma cover, wallet-size diploma, and official graduation letter will be billed to the student account.
  • After you graduate you may request an official transcript of your grades to be mailed to your home, employer, or institution of your choice. The transcript fee is $25.00 per transcript.


If you have any questions, please call our Admissions Office, toll-free, (800) 285-3514.

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