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Under the H.E.A. (Higher Education Act), the Department (United States Department of Education) does not have the authority to recognize accrediting bodies for the accreditation of private or public elementary and secondary schools. If an accrediting body which is recognized by the Department for higher education also accredits elementary and secondary schools, the Department’s recognition applies only to the accreditor’s accreditation of post secondary institutions or programs. (Retrieved on June 21, 2017 from the U. S. Department of Education website at

Note: Accreditation does not provide automatic acceptance by an institution of credit earned at another institution, nor does it give assurance of acceptance of graduates by employers. Students should contact the receiving institution to help determine whether credits are transferrable. Acceptance of credit or graduates is always the prerogative of the receiving institution or employer. For these reasons, besides ascertaining the accredited status of an institution or program, students should take additional measures to determine, prior to enrollment, whether their educational goals will be met through attendance at a particular institution. Those measures should include inquiries to institutions to which transfer might be desired or to prospective employers, as well as any private or governmental entity responsible for licensing or certifying graduates to work in the field for which the educational program is intended. (Retrieved on June 21, 2017 from the U. S. Department of Education website at

The National Association for the Legal Support of Alternative Schools ONLY provides accreditation to private alternative schools at the K-12 level and the U.S. Department of Education does not recognize accrediting bodies for the accreditation of private or public elementary and secondary schools at the K-12 level. The Florida Department of Education does not accredit, regulate, approve, or license private schools. Additionally, the Florida Department of Education does not officially recognize any of the various agencies that accredit private schools. Continental Academy has been continuously accredited by the National Association for the Legal Support of Alternative Schools (N.A.L.S.A.S.) since year 2000. The National Association for the Legal Support of Alternative Schools is not recognized by the United States Department of Education and/or the Florida Department of Education. The acceptance of diplomas from private schools will be subject to the requirements of the receiving educational institution or employer. For these reasons, besides ascertaining the accredited status of a school or program, students should take additional measures to determine, prior to enrollment, whether their educational or employment goals will be met through enrollment at Continental Academy. Those measures should include inquiries to prospective educational institutions or employers.

A Certificate of Accreditation issued by N.A.L.S.A.S. is not meant to represent an evaluation and/or approval of the materials, teaching staff or educational philosophy employed by the applicant program. Rather, only one standard is applied: consumer protection—an assurance to the general public: 1) that a member of the National Association for the Legal Support of Alternative Schools (N.A.L.S.A.S.) not involved with the control, operation, or proceeds of the applicant program has reviewed and confirmed documentation of their compliance with all state and local laws; and 2) that the conditions and advertising claims made regarding their location and operation have been verified (that the program is what it purports to be and does what it purports to do). Whether such a program is desirable or suitable for meeting the needs of a particular learner then becomes a question for the consumer to determine.

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  • Full Payment Plan: $350.00 - You Save $45.00
    Monthly Payment Plan: $450.00 ($40 down / $40 a month)
  • Credit Card or Debit Card required for initial tuition payment.
  • A $45 graduation fee, that includes your diploma, diploma cover, wallet-size diploma, and official graduation letter will be billed to the student account.
  • After you graduate you may request an official transcript of your grades to be mailed to your home, employer, or institution of your choice. The transcript fee is $25.00 per transcript.


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